Roles & Permissions

Managing access through roles and rights.

The Data Mesh Manager implements role-based access control (RBAC).


An organization is a logical unit (tenant) that covers the data mesh of a company. To implement different environments, e.g. development and production, we recommend creating a separate organization for each environment.


The Data Mesh Manager offers the following roles for its users:

  • Organization Member
    • can view data products, data contracts, and global policies
  • Organization Owner
    • can view and edit all resources
    • can edit organization members (invite new members, remove members, change roles)
    • can create and delete teams
    • can create API keys that have the same rights as an organization owner
    • can create API keys that have the same rights as a team member
  • Team Member (Domain Team)
    • can edit data products for their team
    • can edit data contracts for their team
    • can request access to other data products as a data consumer
    • can cancel data usage agreements as a data consumer
    • can approve/reject/cancel data usage agreements for their team's data products as a data provider
    • can invite other Organization Members to their team
  • Team Member (Governance Group)
    • can edit policies

A user can be a member of multiple organizations, and multiple teams per organization.


  • Data Products
    • All organization members can view them
    • Only the members of the team that owns the data product can edit them
  • Data Usage Agreements
    • All organization members can view them
    • Only the members of the consuming team can request access to a provider's data product output port
    • Only the members of the providing team can approve or reject requested data usage agreements
    • Only the members of the providing and consuming teams can cancel approved data usage agreements
    • Only the members of the providing and consuming teams can edit data usage agreements, with changes captured in audit trail